1. This can include excessive uses of force, as well as biased policing and unconstitutional searches and seizures. ��Щ��Ϊ��������ʹ�ñ���������ƫ���Ĺ�Ͻ��Υ���ܷ����Ѳ��ץ����
2. I helped to found this company, so my assessments may be biased, but I view the prospects for quantum dots as, well, bright. ������Э����������ҹ�˾��������������ƫ�ģ�������Ϊ���ӵ��ǰ��ȷʵ��һƬ������
3. This weight biased ethic likely means that the roadster will buck the trend towards folding metal roofs in favor of a more traditional (and lighter) soft top. ������ƫ������������ζ���ܳ�����ѹ�������۵������ݶ���ȡ����֮���Ǹ���ͳ�ģ��ʹ�����������