1. He feared she would berate him for his forgetfulness . �����ģ����ڽ�����Ҫ������ѵ���ˡ�
2. When you berate yourself for your sins, then you do not realize what joy is. �����������������������û����ʶ��ʲô��ϲ�á�
3. You; re still feeling down about the kiss. You usually walk ahead happily, talking with your friends, but today all you can do is eye the ground and berate yourself. ����ȻΪ�Ǹ��Ƕ��е����Ʋ��֡��㾭���Ǹ��˵������ߣ��������������죬���ǽ����������������¾��ǵ����Դ�������������