1. But he met instead a look of such mild benignity that he was left baffled. ����������������ɫ������º͡�����ʹ���е�����Ī�⡣
2. They can make the language live a new life to move, interesting, humor, benignity, so we should give an enough attention. �����ܹ�ʹ���Ը���������Ȥ����Ĭ�����У���������Ӧ�������㹻��ע�⡣
3. And this thesis asserts to realize the new humanism with the ecological esthetics value, which is "benignity" and "harmonious". ���������á��͡�������г������̬��ѧ��ֵ�ۣ�ʵ�������ľ���
1. the quality of being kind and gentle
2. a kind act