1. Only if one believes in something can one act purposefully. ����ij������ij�£�����ij�˾�������ϵ��ж���(��ֻ��ij������ij�£�ij�˲Ż���ϵ��ж���)
2. I stick to what i believe in. ԭ���ְѣ��˼������죾д�ꡣ
3. We do not believe we are perfect. ���Dz�����Ϊ�����������ġ�
1. accept as true; take to be true
2. judge or regard; look upon; judge
3. be confident about something
4. follow a credo; have a faith; be a believer
5. credit with veracity
believe ����;
make believe ��װ��װ��;