1. Do you think the reason why he gave is believable? ����Ϊ��������ԭ���ǿ��ŵ��
2. For that the present is too close and diversified, and the future too uncertain, to make believable claims about it. ��Ϊ����̫���ӽ���̫����䣬��δ����̫��ȷ�������γ�һ�����ŵĹ�ͬ������
3. Once you are familiar with the parts, you can then free sketch at will, but always use the references to keep it authentic and believable. һ�������Щ��������Ϥ�ˣ���Ϳ������������ػ�Щ��ͼ�����ǻ���Ҫʹ��ͼƬ�ο��������Ʒ���š�