1. Question: Why are retirees so slow to clean out the basement, attic or garage? ���⣺Ϊʲô�����ߴ�ɨ�����ң���¥�������������и����
2. The basement walls suffered some damage, mostly in the rear i. e. away from the explosion. �����ҵ�ǽ���ܵ�һ���̶��ƻ�����Ҫ�ڱ��棬�༴����ը�ĵط���
3. Each day is started with a short prayer in our little chapel in the basement of our house. ÿһ�죨��������Ǵӷ��ӵ����ҵ�С��������һ�����������ʼ��
1. the lowermost portion of a structure partly or wholly below ground level; often used for storage
2. the ground floor facade or interior in Renaissance architecture