1. Embarrassed by an actress. Taxes rose. He sold the nation's honour to the Libyans For a barrelful of oil. At last, one acted. ����һЩ��Ա������뱨���š��Ҳ�����ϵ�����ξܾ�������ʿ�ͱ�Ů��Ա������Ρ�˰�����ǡ�Ϊ�˴�Ͱ��ʯ�ͣ������������������������ˡ��չ飬�־�һ����
2. Biotech pharmaceuticals require networked intelligence to manage living soups as they flow by the barrelful from one vat to the next. ���\����ҩҲ��Ҫ���������绯���ǻ���������Щ�������Һ���ڴ�Ͱ����֮���������
3. Biotech pharmaceuticals require networked intelligence to manage living soups as they flow by the barrelful from one vat to the next. ���\����ҩҲ��Ҫ�������绯���ǻ���������Щ�������Һ���ڴ�Ͱ����֮���������
1. the quantity that a barrel (of any size) will hold