1. White poplar, the creature far from banality, merits all my eulogy. ������ʵ���Dz�ƽ���ģ���������������
2. Saw your loveliness, without splurge, without luxury, without prudency, without banality, without finish. �������������������ݻ���������ƽ����ע����û��������
3. The band is a safe harbor from the evils of Eminem and an entire staircase up from the banality of Sisq�� . Also, the music is familiar. ��֧�ֶ�����ڰ�����ķ���к�Ӱ����˵��һ����ȫ�ĸ��壬��������˹�Ƶ�ƽӹ֮����˵������һ�����Σ������������ֶ������ꡣ