1. When for decorating the Ballroom dancing garment, will consider its dance characteristic and stage effect fully. 在对国标舞服装进行装饰时要充分考虑到其舞蹈特点和舞台效果。
2. The intrusion of these early expatriates also brought exotic entertainments such as movies and ballroom dances to the growing city. 这些闯入的早期外来移民同时为这座成长中的城市带来异国的娱乐活动,如电影和交际舞。
3. The ballroom dance at the end of the film was composed and rendered digitally, except for the hand-drawn characters of the Beast and Belle. 在电影的结尾时的交际舞中——除了手绘的主角,也就是野兽和美女之外——都是用数字化的方式制作和渲染的。