1. The elevators of this series are designed for auxiliary packaging metering equipment. ��ϵ�����͡���������Ϊ������������װ�豸����Ƶġ�
2. The working surface includes a main area (12) and at least one substantially coplanar auxiliary area (14). ���������һ��Ҫ����12��������һ�������Ϲ���ĸ�������14����
3. The auxiliary area (14) has at least a protruding portion (16) thereof protruding integrally and outwardly from the main area (12). ��������14�����������Ҫ����12����������ص����������һ��ͻ�����֣�16����
1. someone who acts as assistant
2. functioning in a subsidiary or supporting capacity
3. furnishing added support