1. He repudiated the authorship of the book. �������DZ���������������
2. Regarded as literature or philosophy the Koran is certainly unworthy of its alleged Divine authorship. ���ܱ�������ѧ������ѧ��������������Ȼ��ֵ�ñ�˵�����ϵ۵�������
3. All art is one and based on the same principle of expression or personality, whether it is acting in a movie picture or painting or literary authorship. һ�е���������һ�µģ������ǵ�Ӱ�ϵı��ݣ���滭�������յ���������������ͬ���ı���ԭ����Ը�
1. the act of creating written works
2. the act of initiating a new idea or theory or writing