1. These phases are link establishment, authentication, and the network layer protocol phase. ��Щ�������Ὠ������֤�Լ���·��Э���ȽΡ�
2. Wage certification management system. The wage system for enterprise management and authentication. ������֤����ϵͳ��������ҵ�Ĺ����ƶȹ�������֤��
3. It identifies the user account to the network, handles authentication and provides data storage for basic user data and network information. ���������ʶ�û��ʻ�������������֤����Ϊ�����û����ݺ�������Ϣ�ṩ���ݴ洢��
1. a mark on an article of trade to indicate its origin and authenticity
2. validating the authenticity of something or someone