1. The lymphocytes are mostly small without atypical features to suspect lymphoma. �ܰ�ϸ������С���������ԣ����ỳ���ܰ�����
2. Objective: To explore the effect of atypical antipsychotics on blood-lipid metabolism of Patients with Schizophrenia. Ŀ�ģ��ȽϷǵ��Ϳ�����ҩ�Ծ������֢����֬�ʴ�л��Ӱ�졣
3. Method: In 107 patients with atypical chest pain and doubtful coronary heart disease, their quiet electrocardiogram were normal, and they examined exercise treadmill test. ��������107���������ز���ʹ�Ļ��ߣ�ƽ���ĵ�ͼ����������ٴ����ƹ��IJ�����ƽ���˶����顣
1. not representative of a group, class, or type
2. deviating from normal expectations; somewhat odd, strange, or abnormal