1. Ideal, however attractive the word! ���룬��ô���˵����ۣ�
2. I think she is a very attractive girl. ����Ϊ���Ǹ�����������Ů���ӡ�
3. The shrubs are widely planted as ornamentals for their attractive fruits and flowers, and as borders, hedges, and ground cover. ��ľΪ���ǵ����������Ĺ��ͻ���Ϊ����ֲ���ǿ�ֲ�꣬����Ϊ��Ե������͵ر���
1. pleasing to the eye or mind especially through beauty or charm
2. having power to arouse interest
3. having the properties of a magnet; the ability to draw or pull