1. Galeria Noua, Bucharest, Romania The exhibition Last Supper/Last Words juxtaposes the film Last Supper with the new installation/performance Last Words. 2006չ������������/�������ԡ��������������µ�װ��/������Ʒ ���������͡���
2. This has been a week of "lasts" for President Bush - the last press conference, the last cabinet meeting, and the last broadcast speech to the nation. ���ڲ�ʲ��ͳ���ԣ����������еġ����һ�ܣ��������ŷ����ᣬ�����ڸ���飬�����ȫ�����ڷ���������
3. Dear children, this is the last hour; and as you have heard that the antichrist is coming, even now many antichrists have come. This is how we know it is the last hour. С�����ġ������ĩʱ�ˣ�����������˵���ǵл�����Ҫ���������Ѿ��к�Щ�л����ij����ˣ��Ӵ����Ǿ�֪�������ĩʱ�ˡ�
4. The beadle bolted in haste his last mouthful of fat bacon, washed down the greasy morsel with the last rinsings of the pot of ale. ��ʦ������æ�������һ�ڷ����ȣ���ƿ����ʣ�µIJоư�����������¶�ȥ��
5. To modify a variety of file time: creation time, last access time, last modified. �ܹ����ļ��ĸ���ʱ�䣺����ʱ�䣬������ʱ�䣬�����ʱ�䡣
last last for shoe shoe last shoe tree Ь�;
last last for shoe shoe last shoe tree Ь�;
last last for shoe shoe last shoe tree Ь�;
last day the day of reckoning the great account the last day ���������;