1. System assurance, reconstructing the inner management mode of archives. ���Ʊ��ϣ����쵵�����ڲ�����ģʽ��
2. The veterinary monitoring program is a new administration model for the assurance of food safety. ��ʳƷ��ȫ�����У���ҩ�������Ƽƻ�������һ�µĹ���ģʽ��
3. Evaluate the requirement of consumer and the company ability in production, material supply, inspecting and the quality assurance to satisfy the requirement of consumer. ���۹˿͵�Ҫ��ͱ���˾�����������ʹ�Ӧ�������������֤�ȷ����������������ͻ���Ҫ��
1. freedom from doubt; belief in yourself and your abilities
2. a binding commitment to do or give or refrain from something
3. a statement intended to inspire confidence
4. a British term for some kinds of insurance