1. This poisonous combination could fuel instability rather than assuage it. �����к��Ľ��ֻ�ἤ������Ǽ���ȶ���
2. Your former daughter-in-law obviously needs to assuage her guilt by making your son the villain. ��ǰ�ζ�ϱ������Ϊ�˻��������ھΣ���������������ӳ�Ϊ�����
3. I cannot deny that I grieved for his grief, whatever that was, and would have given much to assuage it. �Ҳ��ܷ��ϣ���������������Ϊ��ʲô���Ҷ�Ϊ�������˸е����ˣ���Ը�ⲻϧһ������������
1. cause to be more favorably inclined; gain the good will of
2. satisfy (thirst)
3. provide physical relief, as from pain