1. This is what earth is choosing, and so much all species choose likewise to focus upon the ascent home. ���ǵ�����ѡ��ģ�Ҳ������������ͬ��ѡ��ģ��Ա�۽��������ؼ��ϡ�
2. We had one young chiropractor quit and close their practice, as it did not resonate with their ascent any longer. ������һ����ļ�ָѹ�����߷�������������������Ϊ�ⲻ�������������
3. The ascent to 1800 is more or less mechanized, and requires not transmutation or alteration of thought-form upon a conscious level. ������1800�ɵĹ��̶����ǻ�е���ģ�������Ҫ������ʶ��ˮƽ��ת����ı�˼����̬��
1. an upward slope or grade (as in a road)
2. a movement upward
3. the act of changing location in an upward direction