1. In an age without radio or recordings, an age dominated by print, fiction gained its greatest ascendancy. ��û��¼�����ͳ�Ƭ��ʱ�����༴��ӡˢͳ�ε�ʱ����С˵ȡ����������֧���λ��
2. Just over a century ago, French would have appeared to have attained an undisputed claim to such ascendancy. ��һ��������ǰ��������Ѿ�����˶��������Ƶ��������Ҫ��
3. His hatred, like a powerless though furious wave, was broken against the strong ascendancy which Mercds exercised over him. ���ij����һ����������ȴ����������ͷ��������̦˿��˵��һ�������÷��顣
1. the state that exists when one person or group has power over another