1. The spring was called as Panax spring, which is full of water all the year long, no matter aridity or rainy season. ���ɽȪ�����˲�Ȫ���������캵�����꼾�����Ȫˮ��ˮ��ʼ�ղ���Ҳ���٣�һ���ļ����ɡ�
2. The occurrence of variegated polymictic conglomerate sediment, mud cracks, gypsum strata and so on can provide evidences for aridity climate in Western Liaoning. �����渴�ɷ�������ɫ���������ѡ�ʯ����Ϊ�������ܴ��ڵĸɺ������ṩ�����ݡ�
3. Where aridity, degeneration or soil erosion occurs as a result of overgrazing, users of the grasslands shall be required to reduce grazing and resow forage grass so as to restore vegetation. �����������ɲ�ԭɳ�����˻���ˮ����ʧ�ģ���ԭʹ����Ӧ����������ǿ�ȣ��������ݣ��ָ�ֲ����
1. a condition yielding nothing of value
2. a deficiency of moisture (especially when resulting from a permanent absence of rainfall)
aridity �����;
aridity factor Ǭ������;
aridity coefficient ����ϵ��;
aridity index ����ָ��;