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argument ['ɑ:ɡjumənt]



    n. ��֤���۾ݣ�������������Ҫ



controversy   ����ָ��̵�������磬��ָ������㷺��Ȥ��dz���Ҫ������ı��ۡ�
argument   ָ����˫��������ʵ��������˵���Է��ı��ۡ�
conflict   ָ˫������Ѽ���������Э�����е�������ۣ��వʾ���缫Ϊ���أ���ʱ�������޷������ֻ������������
debate   ͨ��ָ������ϸ��֯�ͼƻ��ĸ��˻�����֮��ı��ۡ�
dispute   ��ͨ�ôʣ�����ָ��ʱ�䣬�Դʼ��ң������Ե����硣
quarrel   ��ͨ�ôʣ��ȿ�ָ�Դʼ��ҵ�������Ҳ��ָ�º͵��Դ��ϵIJ��͡�
strife   ָ�򲻿ɻ��͵�ì�ܶ������������Ź��


    1. You must have proof to win your argument.
    2. Truth springs from argument amongst friends.
    3. I believe this is the crux of the whole argument.


      1. a fact or assertion offered as evidence that something is true
      2. a contentious speech act; a dispute where there is strong disagreement
      3. a discussion in which reasons are advanced for and against some proposition or proposal
      4. a summary of the subject or plot of a literary work or play or movie
      5. a variable in a logical or mathematical expression whose value determines the dependent variable; if


    ����; �۵�; �޳�/����...������; ����;
    teleological argument
    Ŀ�����۵�; Ŀ����; Ŀ������֤; Ŀ���۵�֤��;
    argument constant
    �Ա�������; ��������; �������� ��������;
    argument types
    �Ա�������; ��������; �������� ��������;
    Invalid argument
    �Ƿ�����; ���ַǷ�����;


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