1. The system of forest site classification is composed of forest site region, forest site district, forest site class, forest site type group, forest site type and plant association type. ɭ�����ط���ϵͳ��ɭ�����ص�����ɭ����������ɭ�����ؼ���ɭ�����������飬ɭ���������ͺ�ֲ��Ⱥ���͡�
2. The system of forest site classification is composed of forest site region, forest site district, forest site class, forest site type group, forest site type and plant association type. ɭ�����ط���ϵͳ��ɭ�����ص�����ɭ����������ɭ�����ؼ���ɭ�����������飬ɭ���������ͺ�ֲ��Ⱥ���͡�
3. The system of forest site classification is composed of forest site region, forest site district, forest site class, forest site type group, forest site type and plant association type. ɭ�����ط���ϵͳ��ɭ�����ص�����ɭ����������ɭ�����ؼ���ɭ�����������飬ɭ���������ͺ�ֲ��Ⱥ���͡�
4. When the water level of the lake marsh raised Yantai archaeological site would hold back; ������ˮλ����ʱ����̨��ַ�����������
5. This study uses geochemistry tracing to constrain on provenance of bronzes from Heying archaeological site. �������õ���ѧʾ�ٵķ����Ժ�۫��ַ������ͭ����ͭ������Դ�����˳����о���
Dmanisi Hominid Archaeological Site ��������ԭʼ�������ַ;
archaeological site ������ַ;
Archaeological Site of Atapuerca �����հ���������ַ;
Archaeological Site of Epidaurus ��Ƥ����˹������ַ;