1. Remote sensing data are basic data acquired by the technology of remote sensing. Extracting thematic information from remote sensing data is the main method for updating the digital data in time. ң��������ң�м�����ȡ�Ļ������ݴ�ң����������ȡ������Ϣ��ʵ��ʵʱ�ռ����ݸ��µ���Ҫ�ֶΣ���ң�������������Ϣ֮�������һ���IJ��졣
2. Direct interpretation of remote sensing images, the process of interpretation of remote sensing images, which is can note-vade the crucial link. ֱ�Ӷ�ң��ͼ������ж�����ң��ͼ�������������رܵĹؼ����ڡ�
3. In this paper, the means of study on heat pollution by remote sensing is introduced. Using the remote sensing, we study on the Jing cheng city. �������ؽ���������ң�н�������Ⱦ���ķ�����������ʵ������˵����
4. This item simulates spaceborne remote sensing system in VIS/NIR band using airborne remote sensing data. ���û���ң�����ݣ�ģ���˿ɼ��⣯���������dz���ּ��̽��ң������ģ���ԭ���ͷ�����
5. This item simulates spaceborne remote sensing system in VIS/NIR band using airborne remote sensing data. ���û���ң�����ݣ�ģ���˿ɼ��⣯���������dz���ּ��̽��ң������ģ���ԭ���ͷ�����
archaeological remote sensing ����ң��;
archaeological remote sensor ����ң����;
archaeological remote sensor ����ң����;
remote control unit remote-operated controller remote controller ң����;