1. The smaller room, at the rear, is two-tone aquamarine. ��С��������ѡ����˫ɫ���ĺ�������
2. This French, aquamarine liqueur is made from triple-distilled vodka, aged cognac and proprietary blend of natural tropical fruit juice. ������Ƴ�����ɫ��������������ķ��ؼӡ�������غ��ȴ�ˮ�����죬����ʲô���֣�
3. She could see so clearly now that he was only a childish fancy, no more important really than her spoiled desire for the aquamarine earbobs she had coaxed out of Gerald. ������Ѿ�����ؿ�������ֻ���������Լ���һ�����ɻ�Ӱ�����������ӽ�����������嵽���Ǹ�������ʯ����Ϊ��Ҫ��
1. a transparent variety of beryl that is blue green in color
2. a shade of blue tinged with green