1. The student looked around the examination room with apprehension. ����ѧ�����ĵعۿ�����ҵ����ܡ�
2. His comprehensive apprehension about the appendix of the pendulum is obvious. �����Ӱڵĸ���Ʒ��ȫ��������Ǻ����Եġ�
3. They waited in apprehension for something to happen, without knowing what it would be. ���ǻ����ɾ���������ڴ��ţ����ֲ�֪���ᷢ��ʲô���顣
1. fearful expectation or anticipation
2. the cognitive condition of someone who understands
3. painful expectation
4. the act of apprehending (especially apprehending a criminal)