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application [,æpli'keiʃən]



    n. Ӧ�ã����룻Ӧ�ó��򣻷���



application   ָ��������ʽ������������
request   ��ͨ�ôʣ�����ָ������ò�����������ܷ�õ����㲢�޶����ա�


    1. The judge hears the application in chamber.
    2. Moreover, I have rich experience in the application of information retrieval.
    3. This workflow now contains the business logic for an application for processing credit cards.


      1. a verbal or written request for assistance or employment or admission to a school
      2. the act of bringing something to bear; using it for a particular purpose
      3. a program that gives a computer instructions that provide the user with tools to accomplish a task
      4. the work of applying something
      5. liquid preparation having a soothing or antiseptic or medicinal action when applied to the skin
      6. a diligent effort


    ��;; Ӧ��; ��...Ӧ����...; Ӧ�ó���;
    Application Form
    �������; �����; ������; ������;
    Minimize Application
    ��С��Ӧ��; ��С������; ��С��Ӧ�� ?;
    Application server
    Ӧ�÷�����; Ӧ�ó��������; Ӧ���ŷ���; ���ݿ������;
    application framework
    Ӧ�ó�����; Ӧ�ÿ��; Ӧ�ó�ʽ��ܡ�Ӧ�ÿ�� Ӧ�ó�����; Ӧ�ó�ʽ���;


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