1. Fortuity and necessity are not antagonistic. żȻ�ͱ�Ȼ�����Ƕ����ġ�
2. Richard, give me a word or phrase to describe McCain's performance tonight. Just McCain. -Antagonistic. ����£���һ���ʻ�һ�����������������ı��֡�ֻ������-�жԡ�
3. Objective To investigate the antagonistic mechanism of Compound Xiancao Mixture to endothelial cell lesion. Ŀ��̽�ָ���ݲ�ݺϼ�����Ƥϸ�����˵����û�����
1. indicating opposition or resistance
2. characterized by antagonism or antipathy
3. arousing animosity or hostility
4. used especially of drugs or muscles that counteract or neutralize each other's effect
5. incapable of harmonious association