1. Once you consciously notice this anomaly it is too late to reverse it. һ��������ʶ��ע������쳣��Ҫ��ת����̫���ˡ�
2. After efforts to fight for them to a market indicator, we happy anomaly. ����Ŭ����������ȡ����һ������ָ�꣬�����ϲ�쳣��
3. In dealing with the gravity data of some basin, obtain the residual gravity anomaly applying finite element method. ��ij��ص��������ϴ����У�������Ԫ��ֵ������������ľֲ������쳣��
1. deviation from the normal or common order or form or rule
2. a person who is unusual
3. (astronomy) position of a planet as defined by its angular distance from its perihelion (as observed