1. to animadvert at length upon her faulty use of French ���������еĴ���ʹ�ö��ָ��
2. Absorbing theories of main capitalist economy with a animadvert attitude values to understand capitalism well. ��ȫ�������ƹ�ϵ���������£���ʶ�ʱ�����ķ�չ��������Ҫ�����塣
3. As an intellectual, paying attention to animadvert on the arms is as important as acting as the arm of animadverting. ��֪ʶ���ӱ���������Ҫ�䵱���е�������Ҳ��Ҫע�����������С�
1. speak one's opinion without fear or hesitation
2. express blame or censure or make a harshly critical remark