1. The button was anchored to the cloth with heavy thread. Ŧ�۱��������εط��ڲ��ϡ�
2. This actor played the role of a successful television anchor in the film. ��λ��Ա�ڵ�Ӱ�а���һ���ɹ��ĵ��������˵Ľ�ɫ��
3. This meditation is offered by the Earth Mother in collaboration with the Tao to anchor a light earth dream into one's field and region of origin. ��ڤ�����ɵ���ĸ�����һ��������ṩ����ҵģ��Դ���ê��һ������������������˵ij�����ס������
1. a mechanical device that prevents a vessel from moving
2. a central cohesive source of support and stability
3. a television reporter who coordinates a broadcast to which several correspondents contribute v.
1. fix firmly and stably
2. secure a vessel with an anchor