1. We are all amenable to the law. ����ȫ���Ƕ��ⷨ�ɸ���ġ�
2. They are far more amenable to approximate solutions. ��������ƽ���˵������ȴ���õöࡣ
3. The steps to carry out the solution must be clear to all, and amenable to being assigned to the members so that each will have an important role. �᳹�������������ÿһ���������С���Ա�����������η����ÿһ���Ա����������е�����Ҫ�Ľ�ɫ��
1. disposed or willing to comply
2. readily reacting to suggestions and influences
3. open to being acted upon in a certain way
4. liable to answer to a higher authority