alphabet ָ������ĸϵͳ��һ�����Ե���ĸ��������������ĸ�� letter ָ��������ĸ�� character ͨ��ָ����ķ����֣�Ҳָ�ַ��� script ָ��д��ӡˢ����ĸ��
1. Louis could read the alphabet with his fingers. ·��˹��������ָָ�Ŷ���ĸ����
2. A life is a simple letter in the alphabet. It can be meaningless. Or it can be part of a great meaning. ������˼������������Ӣ����ĸ���ǺܼĴʡ������˿��Ժ������壬Ҳ�����Ǹ��������һ���֡�
3. As a new educational game, Alphabet Train may let children find it easy and funny to learn letters of alphabet. ��Ϊһ�����͵Ľ�����Ϸ��Ʒ������ĸ�����ú���������ĸѧϰ�ие����ɺ���Ȥ��
1. a character set that includes letters and is used to write a language
2. the elementary stages of any subject (usually plural)