1. What good method can alleviate hypoglycemia low blood pressure? ��ʲô�÷����ܻ����Ѫ�ǵ�Ѫѹ?
2. Objective To alleviate local pain following tonsillectomy and promote white membrane formation. Ŀ�ļ���������г�����ֲ���ʹ���ٽ���Ĥ������
3. Many people are still struggle the poverty line, lack of food and shelter. why not use the limited funds to alleviate poverty? �����˻����������ƶ�����ϣ�ȱ��ʳ�������֮����Ϊʲô���������ʽ����������ƶ�أ�
1. provide physical relief, as from pain
2. make easier