alive �䷴���Ϊdead��ָ����������һϢ��������ʢ�ĸ���״̬�� live ͨ�������ָ�������ģ����������ģ����ɱ�ʾ�ֳ�ֱ���ġ� living �䷴���Ϊdead��ָ�����˺Ͷ�ֲ�������û����ʧ����Ȼ���ڵ�״̬��
1. You are alive. ���ǻ��ŵġ�
2. So for serious efforts at that moment you alive! ���������Ŭ����Ϊ�˿̵�����Űɣ�
3. Congratulations. You are still alive. Most people are so ungrateful to be alive. But not you. Not anymore. ��ϲ�㣬�㻹���š�������˶Ի��Ų����Ĵ�м��������㲻���ˣ���Ҳ�����ˡ�
1. possessing life
2. (often followed by `with') full of life and spirit
3. having life or vigor or spirit
4. (followed by `to' or `of') aware of
5. in operation
6. (usually followed by `to') showing acute awareness; mentally perceptive
7. capable of erupting