1. You never realize how short a month is until you pay alimony. ֱ��Ҫ֧��������Ϊֹ����������˽һ���¶�ô�̴ٵġ�
2. As children and the elderly to alimony could not reach consensus on the court that recently ruled. ������Ů�����˾�������δ�ܴ�ɹ�ʶ����Ժ�������ڽ��������ö���
3. It's now up to a divorce court judge to decide how much alimony the state's gay ex-governor Jim McGreevey owes his estranged wife Dina Matos. ������鷨ͥ���ٽ�Ҫ������λͬ����ǰ�ݳ���ķ
1. court-ordered support paid by one spouse to another after they are separated