1. By default, Reminders will keep alerting you for 2 minutes. This will change this to a one-time event. ����ֻ����һ��Ĭ�ϵ����ѻ�һֱ������2���ӡ�����������ɹ����¼���
2. The Indian ISPs were still alerting customers to slowdowns over the next few days with service quality delays of 50 percent to 60 percent, he said. ӡ�ȵ��������Ӧ����δ���ļ������Ի������������ӳ�50%��60%����ʽ���û����ź��������ٶȡ�
3. The purpose of providing alerting service is to notify appropriate organizations regarding aircraft in need of search and rescue aid, and assist such organizations as required. �ṩ�澯����ּ�ڵ����ú�������Ҫ��ѰԮ��ʱ��֪ͨ�йز��ţ�������Ҫ��Э�����йز��Ž�����ѰԮ�ȡ�
1. a state of readiness to respond
2. a warning serves to make you more alert to danger