1. The mainly products are: mini-car connecting rod , passenger car connecting rod , light car connecting rod , heavy car connecting rod. ��˾��Ҫ��Ʒ�У����������ˡ��γ����ˡ������������ˡ������������ˡ�
2. Our main products include all kinds of home textiles and upholstery fabrics, such as sofa fabrics, curtain fabrics, sheer curtain fabric , ready-made curtain , cushion and being sets etc s . ���ǵ���Ҫ��Ʒ�Ǹ��ּҷ�װ����Ʒ�����磺ɳ����������������ɴ����Ʒ���������棬������Ʒ���ȣ���Ʒ���������ţ��߹�
3. The curtain rod of window and curtain's purchase budget is 200 Yuan. �����˺ʹ������Ĺ���Ԥ��Ϊ200Ԫ��
4. Since its establishment, factory processed products has been mainly linked to shower curtain, a plastic bag in hand draft, such as shower curtain rod. �����Գ�������һ���Լӹ���ƷΪ����ԡ���ҹ����н������죬ԡ���˵ȡ�
5. Development and manufacture of special materials for ball valve and butterfly valve such as anticorrosive alloy, high temperature space flight alloy, heat proof alloy, and titanium alloy etc. ������������ʵķ��ſ�������������ʴ�Ͻ𣬸��º���Ͻ����ȺϽ��ѺϽ�
dip rod oil gauge rod oil level rod oil-measuring rod ����;
dip rod oil gauge rod oil level rod oil-measuring rod ����;
dip rod oil gauge rod oil level rod oil-measuring rod ����;
dip rod oil gauge rod oil level rod oil-measuring rod ����;
dip rod oil gauge rod oil level rod oil-measuring rod ����;