1. She was agitated because her train was an hour late. �������Ļ�����һ��Сʱ����ʮ�ֽ��ǡ�
2. Professor Ahmed and I were in Boston as part of an unprecedented project in search of an answer to the very question that had agitated Chomsky. �ҺͰ������½���������ʿ�ٲ�������ʷ��ǰ���ļƻ�����Ҫ�о�����������ķ˹���е����ǵ���һ����Ĵ𰸡�
3. The quenching tank with the agitated control system can control the cooling speed of workpieces, improve and stabilize the quenching quality of workpieces. ���н�����ȴ����ϵͳ�Ĵ��ۿ��Կ��ƹ�������ȴ�ٶȣ���߲��ȶ��������ȴ������������
1. troubled emotionally and usually deeply
2. physically disturbed or set in motion
3. thrown from side to side