1. The crowd was agitated by his speech. ��Ⱥ��������˵����������
2. They sent agents to agitate the local people. ������Dz�鱨��Աɿ�����ص����ڡ�
3. Agitate each mixture for 30 sec by flicking the container with either a finger or a vibrator. ����ָ�ᵯ��������������������ÿ�ֻ������30���ӡ�
1. try to stir up public opinion
2. cause to be agitated, excited, or roused
3. exert oneself continuously, vigorously, or obtrusively to gain an end or engage in a crusade for a c
4. move very slightly
5. move or cause to move back and forth
6. change the arrangement or position of