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agitate ['ædʒiteit]



    vt. ҡ����ɧ����ʹ������
    vi. ɿ��




upset   ����ͨ����ͨ���ôʣ�����ʧȥ�����ϵ�ƽ������������ȫɥʧƽ�⡣
agitate   ����ָ���ĵĽ��ǣ����ڿ��ƣ���¶���⡣
disturb   ָ��ij�˵��ж������ҡ����������ȶ�ʹ�˲��ð�����
perturb   �������ôʣ�ָʹ�˽������գ��ŵ����鲻����


    1. The crowd was agitated by his speech.
    2. They sent agents to agitate the local people.
    3. Agitate each mixture for 30 sec by flicking the container with either a finger or a vibrator.


      1. try to stir up public opinion
      2. cause to be agitated, excited, or roused
      3. exert oneself continuously, vigorously, or obtrusively to gain an end or engage in a crusade for a c
      4. move very slightly
      5. move or cause to move back and forth
      6. change the arrangement or position of


    ҡ��; ����; ����,����,�Ķ�; ����;
    agitate for
    �Ķ�; ������������; �����˶�;
    agitate dementia
    to agitate
    ����; ����;
    agitate ink
    ������ī �Ļ� ��ӡ�ư�װ��;


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