1. A valid totals type is required for this aggregate to be created. ��Ҫ���������ֺϼ���Ҫһ����Ч���ܼ����͡�
2. Cutting income taxes will simultaneously shift aggregate demand and aggregate supply to the right. ������������˰����ʹ��������ܹ�Ӧͬʱ����ת�䡣
3. The aggregate possesses great proportion in the cement concrete and has important effect on characteristics of cement concrete. ������ˮ���������ռ���൱��ı�������ˮ��������������кܴ��Ӱ�졣
1. a sum total of many heterogenous things taken together
2. the whole amount v.
1. amount in the aggregate to
2. gather in a mass, sum, or whole adj.
1. gathered or tending to gather into a mass or whole
2. formed of separate units in a cluster