1. He introduced advanced technology and management into China. �����Ƚ��ļ������������й���
2. The company has advanced production technology and production equipment. ��˾ӵ���Ƚ������������������豸��
3. You can create an advanced segment that only includes visits that meet a specific set of criteria. �����Խ���һ���Ƚ��IJ��֣�ֻ�а������ʣ��������ض���һ�ױ���
1. farther along in physical or mental development
2. comparatively late in a course of development
3. ahead of the times
4. at a higher level in training or knowledge or skill
5. ahead in development; complex or intricate
6. far along in time
7. (of societies) highly developed especially in technology or industry
8. situated ahead or going before