1. A diamond necklace adorned her neck. һ����ʯ����ʹ���������С�
2. The men would decorate theirs' with a black bow and women would adorn theirs' with feathers or garlands. ���˻���һ����ɫ������װ����ٷ�����Ů���������ë�ͻ�����װ�硣
3. Every year in December, Christmas decorations of green, red and gold adorn stores, homes and street displays. ÿ��ʮ���£���ɫ����ɫ�ͽ�ɫ��ʥ��װ�ε����̵ꡢס�����ͷ���á�
1. make more attractive by adding ornament, colour, etc.
2. be beautiful to look at
3. furnish with power or authority; of kings or emperors