1. The author thinks favor act is not a legal act, in fact, it should be negotiorum gestion act, a kind of real act. ������Ϊ������ʩ����Ϊ���Ƿ�����Ϊ����Ӧ��������ʵ��Ϊ�е����������Ϊ������������£���������ת��Ϊ��Ȩ��Ϊ��
2. Locutionary act: A locutionary act is the act of uttering words, phrases, clauses. It is the act of conveying literal meaning by means of syntax, lexicon and phonology. ������Ϊ��˵���ʡ�����־����Ϊ����ͨ���䷨���ʻ����λ���ֶα�������������Ϊ��
3. Through the mental path of perlocutionary act-locutionary act-illocutionary act, the function of speech act can be realized and the meaning comes into being in the dynamic situations. ͨ������ȡЧ-����ָ��-�������µ�����·��ʵ��������Ϊ���ܣ��ڶ�̬��Ѱ��˵���˵����塣
4. A locutionary act is the act of uttering words, phrases, clauses. It is the act of conveying literal meaning by means of syntax lexicon and phonology. ������Ϊ��˵���ʡ�����ͷ־����Ϊ������ͨ���䷨���ʻ����λ�����������������Ϊ��
5. According to Austin, a speaker might be performing three acts simultaneously when speaking: locutionary act, illocutionary act and perlocutionary act. Ӣ����ѧ�Ұ�˹͡�������˵��ʱ��˵���˺ܿ���ͬʱʵʩ����������Ϊ����������Ϊ��������Ϊ���Ժ���Ϊ��
a Bill of Oblivion act of grace an Act of Oblivion an act of grace ������;
a Bill of Oblivion act of grace an Act of Oblivion an act of grace ������;
a Bill of Oblivion act of grace an Act of Oblivion an act of grace ������;
a Bill of Oblivion act of grace an Act of Oblivion an act of grace ������;