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act [ækt]



    vt. ���ݣ�װ�����ٶ���
    vi. �ж������ݣ��䵱�����֣���ֹ����װ����Ϸ�������ã���Ч
    n. ��Ϊ���ж��������������Ϸ�磬���ģ�һĻ���Σ�[��]װǻ����




act   һ��ָ����ġ����ݵĻ�������Ϊ��ǿ����Ϊ����ɼ���Ч����
act   ion��ͨ�ôʣ������ж��Ĺ��̡�
deed   ��ׯ���ôʣ�����ָ������Ϊ�⣬��������ָij�ָ��л�ΰ�����Ϊ���ʳ�������������ҵ������
operation   ��ָһ�����ж�����Ϊ����ɷ�ʽ��
performance   ��Ҫָ�ж��ķ�ʽ������


    1. The actress acts the part of the heroine.
    2. Can you act out the dialogue in pairs?
    3. Act with the music.


      1. a legal document codifying the result of deliberations of a committee or society or legislative body
      2. something that people do or cause to happen
      3. a subdivision of a play or opera or ballet
      4. a short theatrical performance that is part of a longer program
      5. a manifestation of insincerity
      1. perform an action, or work out or perform (an action)
      2. behave in a certain manner; show a certain behavior; conduct or comport oneself
      3. play a role or part
      4. discharge one's duties
      5. pretend to have certain qualities or state of mind
      6. be suitable for theatrical performance
      7. have an effect or outcome; often the one desired or expected
      8. be engaged in an activity, often for no particular purpose other than pleasure
      9. behave unnaturally or affectedly
      10. perform on a stage or theater


    ������Ϸ; American College Test; ����; ��Ϊ;
    act out
    �ݳ�; ���ݳ���; �����ж�; �ݳ���ʵʩ;
    act up
    ���֣���ë��; ��������ָ��������; ����ȡ��; �ж�����;
    Sherman Act
    �����; �����; ������; �������;
    securities act
    ֤ȯ��������; ֤ȯ��; �Cȯ��; ����֤ȯ��;


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