1. for wind cold type of influenza, headache on top of head, rheumatoid arthritis with achy arms. ���ڷ纮��ð���۶�ͷʹ����ʪ֫�ڱ۱ԡ�
2. I found my right ankle was strained without reason when I woke up this morning, my foot was too achy to walk. ��һ�������ҷ������ҽņ�����Ȼ�˶�Ť������ֻ��ʹ����ʶ�С�
3. It's not the sort of thing where he's sitting around somewhere looking at his watch and saying, oh man, I got an achy knee. �������������µ���ij��������һ�߿�����һ��˵��Ŷ����ϥ���ۣ��������ˣ���