1. Accumulation of years of history, deep culture. ǧ����ʷ�������Ļ��������
2. Precipitation, refining, accumulation of sublimation. ���������������ۣ�������
3. But this balance has been achieved by an accumulation of many fears which cannot be balanced, so we will probably always live in fear. ����������ƽ�⣬�����������β���ƽ��Ŀֲ��¼���ɵģ��������ǻ������������ؾ����־塣
1. an increase by natural growth or addition
2. several things grouped together or considered as a whole
3. the act of accumulating
4. (finance) profits that are not paid out as dividends but are added to the capital base of the corpor
Accumulation �ۻ�;
gas accumulation ��˹�ۼ�;
data accumulation ���ݻ���;