agree ����ָ�����ȽϺ��������Ҫ���־���гһ�£���ͻ��ì�ܡ� accord ����ָ�Ը��������������ȷ������ȫһ�¡� coincide ������ָ�۵㡢�жϡ�Ը�����������Ȥ��һ�»������ż�������ˣ�ǿ�������۵���ȫ��ͬ�� conform ǿ������״���Ը��Լ���Ҫ�ص�ȷ�������ƻ�һ�¡� correspond ָ�ڽ��бȽ�ʱ������������ijһ����Ҫ�����ϸ���ϻ���ƥ�䡢һ�¡�
1. Our information does not accord with his reports. �������˽����������ı��治һ�¡�
2. Does the Schooling Accord to Human Nature? ���ǵĽ����Ƿ��ϡ����ԡ�����?
3. While this is a rare area of bipartisan accord, it is also an area of bipartisan error. ��Ȼ���������ѵõĴ���һ�¿�����������Ҳ�������Ĵ���֮����
1. harmony of people's opinions or actions or characters
2. concurrence of opinion
3. a written agreement between two states or sovereigns
4. sympathetic compatibility v.
1. go together
2. allow to have
Accord �Ÿ�;
�Ÿ� �ձ�����;
Honda Accord �����Ÿ�;
Washington Accord ��ʢ��Э��;