lodging ����lodgins,ָ��ʱ���ķ�������ᡣ accommodation ��ָ���־�סס����һ��ָ��ʱ���֮�ء� apartment ͨ��ָռ�û��סʱ��ϳ��ij����䣬�������Ƚϳ��á� quarters ָijһ�����˼��еľ�ס���� suite �ɷ�ָ�κ��豸���Ƶ�һ���䣬����ָ��������ҡ����Һ�ԡ�ҵij���Ϻ������䡣
1. Lesson Seventeen:Do You Have Any Accommodation? ��ʮ�߿Σ�������ס�ĵط���
2. You must not keep pets in college accommodation. �㲻����ѧԺס�������������
3. Nobody should have to seek temporary accommodation after release from prison. �Ӽ����ͷų�����û����ҪȥѰ����ʱס����
1. making or becoming suitable; adjusting to circumstances
2. a settlement of differences
3. in the theories of Jean Piaget: the modification of internal representations in order to accommodate
4. living quarters provided for public convenience
5. the act of providing something (lodging or seat or food) to meet a need
6. (physiology) the automatic adjustment in focal length of the lens of the eye