1. Most of the photos in the exhibit were captured accidentally. ��չ������Ƭ����żȻ���㵽�ġ�
2. Turtle suddenly lost control, he accidentally fell on the back of the rabbit. �ڹ��ʱʧȥ�˿��ƣ�����������������ӵĺ��ϡ�
3. A group of children of various ages was read stories in which people caused harm, some of those people doing so intentionally , and some accidentally. һ�麬��������ε�С����ѧϰ����Щ�˻�����˺�������Щ����˺���������Щ������ģ���Щ������ġ�
1. without advance planning
2. in an incidental manner
3. without intention; in an unintentional manner