1. Windows must be accessible for cleaning. ����һ�����������ġ�
2. Secrets, plots, secret diversions, the stress of each play minute , all this now is accessible on the screen of cell phone! �ܣ���ڣ����ܵ�ת�ƣ�ÿ��Ϸ�����ѹ���������ж��绰��ӫ��������ȫ���ǿɽӽ��ģ�
3. Ensure that the image you link to is accessible to all users who will view the news item and is not stored locally on a client computer or on a file share. ��ȷ�����н��鿴��������Ŀ���û������Է��������ӵ���ͼ����ͼ���Ǵ洢�ڿͻ��˼�����ϻ��ļ�����Ŀ¼�С�
1. capable of being reached
2. capable of being read with comprehension
3. easily obtained
4. easy to get along with or talk to; friendly